Hours and hours and hours and hours….
We have spent so much time learning about all things clay, and have found the Internet to be a fantastic resource. Therefore, to aid your time in the studio, we have complied a list of videos, books and guides here to facilitate you on your pottery journey.
“A potter is one of the few people left who uses his natural faculties of heart, head, and hand in balance — the whole man. HIs is a way of life. Good pots require the ardour of vocation and the devotion of a lifetime.”
FOREST ROW CERAMICS offers some amazing videos on all aspects of ceramics - check them out here
We recommend that you watch a few videos you like, and then focus on one video. Break it down into hand positions and stages, and then you practise this next time you are on the wheel.
How to Center Clay and Throw Pots on the Pottery Wheel
Centering for beginners (common mistake)
Pulling for beginners (common mistakes)
How to pull up the walls of a pot
Slab bowls (hump mold)
Slab bowls (slump mold)
Maria Martinez (1887 - 1980)
Bernard Leach and Shoji Hamada (1880s - 1940s)
Lucie Rie (1902 - 1995)
Lisa Hammond MBE (present)
Florian Gadbsy (present)
I fully support the fact that you may want to branch out and buy your own glazes. We just want to give you some head’s up on what the glazes need for our kiln!
We use an electric, oxidising kiln that fires stoneware to cone 6. This is the temperature somewhere between 1220 - 1280 celsius. Only buy glazes that say they are within this range.
Buy ONLY brush on, I am afraid we cannot process, make and store the powdered ones here. The 500ml pots are a good amount to start with.
From personal experience, only buy POTTER’s CHOICE glazes. These have been tried and tested and far more reliable. Even then, the nature of glazing is always unpredictable and you cannot be sure it will come out as it suggests it will. For example. these ones at Scarva look good. Be warned, it does get pricey buy.
If you do want to go down the avenue of purchasing your own glazes, I thoroughly suggest making your own test tiles so that you can see how it performs on the clay we have in the studio - the results can wary widely. In doing this, be sure to document well!
We will try to stock some brush on glazes and fluxes, but we are predominantly a dipping studio so cannot guarantee we will have them in stock. Therefore, if you really love something, we recommend that you get one for yourself!